YogaCity NYC: One Pose—Three Ways
It was an honor to be featured in the September 23rd, 2016 edition of One Pose—Three Ways, demonstrating utthita parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) using a chair in three different ways. In the interview, I explain why I chose this pose and the anatomy behind it.
Read the article here.
GENTLE IS THE NEW ADVANCED: J. Brown’s Online Yoga Workshop
My dear teacher, J. Brown recently filmed and released a 12-hour online yoga workshop, and I’m excited to have been a part of it! This new online course takes us deep into the practice and philosophy behind J. Brown’s slow and strong, powerfully intimate, breath-centered therapeutic yoga teaching.
Building upon his teaching lineage: T Krishnamacharya (“the teacher of teachers”), TKV Desikachar, Mark Whitwell and UG Krishnamurti, J has codified 20 years of teaching experience into a singularly healing yoga practice that adapts to individual needs.
Here’s what you get:
- 12 Hours of video in eight 90-minute sessions featuring lectures, practices, demonstrations and discussions. Learn directly from J. Brown in his first ever online yoga course.
- Filmed in a lush, documentary style at a beautiful retreat setting with natural light and sound so you feel like you’re in the room.
- Stream Online or Download for Offline Viewing
- Never Expires – Take the class at your own pace and in your own time
- Class Workbook – An accompanying workbook illustrates the poses and principles behind J. Brown’s teachings, to help you get more out of your workshop.
- Office Hours – Submit your questions and comments for J to respond and share with other students taking the course
- 100% Exclusive J. Brown’s Online Yoga Workshop is only available at
- Hours can be applied towards Yoga Alliance’s Continuing Education (CE) Requirement that ALL Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) receive 30 hours of yoga training every three years.
- 100% Guarantee – We offer full refunds up to 30 days after purchase.
- Perfect for all teachers and inquiring students.
Learn more and get 10% off the purchase of either the workshop or J.’s DVD by clicking the link here.